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The Case for Arachnophobia

April 22, 2010
06:17 AM

Burkhard Bilger, in an article about spiders in a New Yorker from 2007 I am presently re-reading, says;

“One Dutch researcher estimates that there are some five trillion spiders in the Netherlands alone, each of which consumes about one tenth of a gram of meat a day.
Were their victims people instead of insects, they would need only three days to eat all sixteen and a half million Dutchmen.”


  1. Paul

    on April 22, 2010

    …. and they’d do great service to the cause of humour!

  2. mike o'donnell

    on April 22, 2010

    i could think of many worthier objects of their hunger including,but not restricted to,members of a certain-indeed over certain-political party.
    could genetic engineering be put to work here?

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef