I was just checking my last blog entry, a mere few minutes ago, when I felt a tickle on my ankle.
I leaned down to scratch and then screamed like a girl when my searching fingers discovered that I had a snail crawling up my leg.
This was clearly part of a premeditated attack.
I have a bed of herbs in containers on the terrace and make frequent forrays out there to search and destroy snails.
This morning despite the obvious evidence of a snail attack on the Basil I couldn’t find one to kill so I retired inside for what has turned into a blogging marathon.
It must have been while I was searching for him that this creature attached himself to my person and then began his slow ascent from my shoe up my leg.

Despite my shock and horror I felt I could not reward such tenacious temerity with instant death.
Instead I scooped him up with a card I had on my sesk, Photographed him so I would know him the next time I saw him, and flicked him into the garden.
I reckon I had a very lucky escape.
on May 14, 2010Have been trying to identify your snail, and it looks as if it is either Monacha Cantiana – in English the Kentish Smail, but notwithstanding the name also widely distributed in southern Europe. “Active at night or after daytime rain . . .feeds mainly on decaying vegetation and unlikely to do harm in the garden” – so don’t fear for your basil in that case. But the other candidate, which you’d probablty prefer, is Helix Pomata, the Roman snail. the largest snail in most of Europe – and widely reared or collected for food. So maybe it’s the snail, not you, who had the lucky escape! – he might have come to your table with a delicate basil flavour from his diet.
PS BTW, Is this comment an example of snail mail?
Dany Pillon
on May 15, 2010Eh bien, nous les Français, on a un bon moyen de se débarrasser des escargots : on les mange avant qu’ils ne mangent toutes nos herbes aromatiques et nos salades dans le jardin. Et pour les préparer, j’ai quelques bonnes recettes sous le coude! Quand nous serons à Thézan, nous irons ensemble à la chasse aux escargots et nous les cuisinerons. Là vous n’aurez plus le même regard sur eux.
on May 16, 2010Thanks Peter et merci bien Dany, J’attende ma lecon.
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