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Sea of Red

May 24, 2010
10:13 AM

Teased by the distant view of the fields of poppies from our bedroom window we decided to go out this morning in the cool, before breakfast (it is very hot at the moment) and find them out.

Here is some of the shots I took.
It is amazing how exhilarating it can be looking into a sea of red.


From our window. (I never noticed the bird until I opened the picture)





The building (part Cave, part dwelling) which they call Lamarre and looks like it was transported in the piece from Italy.


  1. deirdre

    on May 26, 2010

    I cannot wait!!

  2. Martin

    on May 26, 2010

    I’ll try and get them to stay but…they are fading fast.
    Looking forward to seeing you both.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef