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Alcohol, 90%, 1943

May 30, 2010
13:35 PM

Our friends Anne-Marie and Patrick, who live about half of their time in Thezan, about half in Brittany came up for an apero last evening.

One of the last times we had met them they had shown us around the old Cave which Anne -Marie had inherited in the village and let us taste a marvellous (and delicious) Vin de Noix which dated back to the 1890’s.
Read about it here.

Last night, knowing my fascination for old things, they brought another present which they had found in the old Cave


It was another wonderful old dusty bottle this time with a label which read;


She reckoned it was some of the Marc from the wine which her Grandmother had intended to make into a fruit flavoured Eau de Vie.

Because it had sat there for nearly 70 years some of the alcohol had evaporated through the (intact) cork.

Ca ” said Anne-Marie” est le portion des Anges

Now my only problem is which fruit will I grace with its presence.


  1. martine

    on May 30, 2010

    Excuse me if I don’t agree… It is called “part des anges” (angel’s share).
    As for the fruit, I suggest the citrullus lanatus, AKA citre ou courge spaghetti, which is use in Spain to make what we call ‘cabellos de angel’ (angel’s hair). It would be a complete angelical delight! Maybe.

  2. Martin

    on May 30, 2010

    I stand corrected. Thanks Martine.
    But you have made me thinnk that perhaps I should add something related to angels.
    Some Angélique perhaps, whose stem is candied and used in Christmas Cake in Ireland.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef