Now that the Strawbs are going down in price (well they are here) and there is still some (not too green) Rhubarb about do try this marriage which does wonders for both the flavour and colour of the fruits. (or one fruit and one vegetable)
I won’t even insult you by giving you a recipe, just make with half and half chopped rhubarb and halved strawberries and just under their weight in jam sugar.
Boil for just under the time they say on the pack (and never more than a kilo of fruit at a time)
This may not give you the firmest set of all time but it does preserve the fresh flavours and intense redness of the fruits.
on June 13, 2010Oh yum – that sounds like the kind of jam even I would devour! Please insult me with a full recipe… I’ve never made anything like that.
on June 21, 2010I had to work close enough to non-stop all week, even into Sunday; but on Saturday I took one hour to try your recipe and I am delighted I did! It is such a quick and clean process and then that utterly satisfying moment when you start pouring the vibrant concotion into your jars – priceless! I still prefer my cheese breakfast but the jam does taste very nice and fresh and I will find lots of uses for it (not least as presents for people who love the stuff). I added a hint of freshly grated ginger and a slice of leftover vanilla pod while the jam was boiling. Thanks a million for your inspiring blog entry…!
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