In 2003 Biddy White Lennon (Maggie in “The Riordans” for all you over fifties) asked me could I get my hands on a recipe for the Waterford Blaa for a book she was doing for O Brien Press on Irish Home Baking.
With some difficulty and subterfuge I managed to get a recipe from one of the bakeries in Waterford who still made Blaas.
This Biddy and I reduced from wholesale quantities to managable household measurements, and she tried it out in her kitchen and then this was how it appeared in this book in 2003 :

I really had forgotten all about this when an ex- Waterfordman living in the USA asked me for the recipe in the spring of this year.
Even though I know I have the book somewhere (In France or Ireland) I couldn’t lay my hands on it and so had to appeal to Biddy who kindly sent me the above facsimile.
Then Oscar, another ex-Waterfordman, this time from Canada, asked me for the same recipe last week.
Oscar had the kindness to send me the results of his efforts from his Canadian Blog here
He also sent me a picture of his Blaas which look I think, remarkably authentic.

He claims that they were a little doughy in the centre, a fault easily remedied with a little longer in the oven, I am very impressed.
Despite having acted as a (secret) agent to secure the recipe I have yet to make them myself.
Given Biddy’s interpretation of the origin of the word Blaa (which she got from me) as originally coming from the French Blé, perhaps I should be offering them for Petit Déjuner as an alternative to the Croissant ?
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