Well we must be prepared for the worst mustn’t we.

And this is all we have left of last years wood.

This morning at 8 am, this little load, four steres ( a stere is a cubic metre ) of Oak and Beech, were deposited outside our front door.

Two hours later this hugely satisfying pile was neatly, nay beautifully , arranged on our terrace.
(ie : two hours and two knackered Dwyers later)
I must confess I gazed in wonder and satisfaction at the pile for some minutes, some primitive instinct overtook me , a feeling that I had provided for my family against the winter .
(Funnily I can never remember feeling the same, or gazing with the same rapture at the full tank of oil in Waterford)

As I said we got four steres this year compared to three last year (pictured freshly delivered above)
I think we did better this year, so either he gave us a bit extra this year to thank us for our custom, or, he did us, last year.
Being naturally charitable I go for the former.
on November 3, 2010And you have changed the lay out of your wall ornaments. A Thezan spot the difference!
on November 3, 2010Well spotted.
It must be the designers eye.
on November 5, 2010your stacking technique equal to any I have seen in Germany,,how s your back ?
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