Out strolling on Sunday night we could see how quickly summer turns into winter here , there is no long protracted Autumn like we have in Ireland.
The vines are turning yellow and red depending on what variety they are.
On Sunday morning I ate my breakfast on the terrace in my dressing gown.

On Monday it had got much colder.
It seems that almost overnight our own vine, which Síle had nurtured and teased to come up to the terrace (there are hopes that it will soon provide us with summer shade) had turned yellow overnight.

The whole garden was covered with leaves from the Chinaberry Tree.

One small consolation was that my Lemon Tree seems to be thriving and the walnut sized lemons are starting to yellow also.

Mind you a glance in next door reveals that their tree is laden with yellow lemons which are lemon sized.
I guess mine has still some way to go.
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