Last Saturday was a Jour de Patrimoine in Thezan and they opened the church for the morning so people could brouse about inside at their leisure.
In the sacristy, over the door there was this crucifix which was just heavily decorated with symbols and had to be photographed.
Now some of these symbols I have seen already on early grave stones in Ireland but some are a mystery to me.
The Crucifix is crossed by a pair of what look like spears except one doesn’t have a blade but a red ball.
Let me describe it from the bottom up.
Firct there is a headless red robed figure on a long column. It seems that he wasn’t always headless as there is a mark on the wood where the head would have been.
This space is now filled with a pair of dice showing a five and (I think ) a two.
Next up is a skull and then above this where the two spears cross is a strange black ball which is a mystery to me.
After this there is a ladder which goes up to the cross piece.
Across this are a hammer, then Veronica’s cloth , then a smiley sun with rays from it, then what looks like the blade of a scimitar then the crown of thorns encircling a bleeding heart.
Then there is a flail , a man in the moon face , a severed hand and then a pincers.
Right at the top of the crucifix there is a red animal, possibly a lion.
Now quite a lot of these make sense if they are about the crucifixion itself.
The hammer which drove in the nails, the spear which peirced his side, Veronica’s cloth, the ladder with which the body was taken from the cross.
The crown of thorns and the flail are all obvious but I am not at all sure what some of the other symbols mean.
on November 29, 2010Have a look at this link…
on November 29, 2010Thank you Martine.
That has answered all of my questions.
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