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One Man’s Breakfast is…

December 11, 2010
12:02 PM

Strange out here giving breakfast to people of various continental persuasions how one begins to discover that they all have a very different vision of what this meal should be.
Out here I try and serve a breakfast which is basically French but with lots more on the table than the French would dream of eating.
Their breakfast is simply Coffee, Bread, Croissants and Jam with the odd piece of Patisserie to celebrate special days, a pain au chocolat or a chausson aux pommes..

Nothing savoury there. In fact very much like we would have called “morning coffee” or “elevenses ” at home in Ireland.

The Germans on the other hand prefer a rather more hearty and savoury approach to breakfast , cold meats and cheese are likely to be served with the coffee.

In other words what we in Ireland would call lunch.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef