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La Bouffe

December 17, 2010
16:54 PM

This is the casual French word for food, I suppose grub would be a fair translation but the French use bouffe far more often than we say grub- mainly I guess because they are fairly obsessed with the whole notion of eating.

Today Madame from the garage came to collect me as soon as my car was finished having some minor surgery.
In reply to her question about business I told her we had had nine for dinner last night.
“Oo la la” said Madame, “and what did you give them to eat ?”

There follow a long involved description of the meal, how exactly it was cooked, what was served with what etc etc.

I must say that for me it is the greatest conversation maker that the whole of France – and me- are happy to talk obsessively about La Bouffe


  1. padraic

    on December 18, 2010

    This word reminds me painfully of my first encounter with inappropriate language register. I spent a year in a research laboratory in Brest (1975/76) and at the end of every week the team of about 10 people would meet and present their week’s results. As I spent a long time in the bistros of Brest, my French had a strong flavour of bistro and when it came to my turn and I was describing the food I was giving the aquatic invertebrate Artemia, I used the word bouffe, to the instant horror of all around. I was immediately corrected and told to use “nourriture” in future.

  2. martine

    on December 18, 2010

    I love this story, Padraic. But, I ask, who is the first to talk about “bouffe” when we gather?

  3. padraic

    on December 18, 2010

    alors, c’est moi, je l’avoue

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef