Brother-in Law Colm birdwatching by the Orb this morning
I have been getting a certain amount of requests that I might do some cookery classes here in the Languedoc in conjunction with the Chambre d’Hote.
I have been thinking about these this winter and remembering how much I do in fact enjoy teaching, and what a pleasure it would be to teach out here with a ready supply of superb Mediterranean ingredients.
I kinda decided that I might run two short courses , maybe in May and then again in October, when it wouldn’t be too hot to be spending the day in the kitchen but still warm enough to give pale Irish skins a taste of some Mediterranean sun.
It was then that I came up with an idea for another short course which would give visitors a real flavour of the area without adding any extra labour on my shoulders.
Síle’s brother Colm is a commited naturalist , taking a walk with Colm is like a combined botany , zoology , and entomology tutorial but he has a gift for making these subjects, as you come across them in the field, really fascinating, even to a traditional townie like myself.
So I approached Colm and suggested this , Colm was as enthusiastic as myself about the project and so he came out to the Languedoc to us last Sunday and we are spending the week putting together a natrualists holiday in the Languedoc.
Briefly our plans are for four days of leisurely and relaxed strolls which a group would take with Colm in which he would introduce them to the distinct flora and fauna of the Languedoc region.
One day would take in the Mediterranean coast and the distinctive plants of the land beside the sea , one the Garrigues of the Haute Languedoc Mountains with their wonderful wild herbs , one investigating the waterways in the area , having a look at the birds and plants of the Orb valley and maybe taking a stroll by the beautiful tree lined Canal de Midi.
The fourth day might be appropriate to visit one of the formal gardens in the area like the Mediterranian Garden above Roquebrun.
Each day would of course finish with an evening in Le Presbytere with the visitors enjoying the fine wines from the Languedoc and delicious Mediterranean food produced by yours truly.
We would see ourselves running one of these in May and another in October with the latter having more emphasis on Autumn fruits and Mushrooms.
Now all I have to do is decide what form my cooking sessions will take.
on February 9, 2011Where do I sign? If you do that, please let me know, I want to participate!
on February 10, 2011excellent idea. Keep us posted
on February 12, 2011Sounds good to me. I’ll be there in a jiffy. Do you do cassoulet?
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