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A Response to a Grigging

February 17, 2011
07:33 AM


About 15 years ago we brought Síle’s parents on holiday with us to Provence.
The highlight of the holiday was a night in the Arena of Orange at Donizetti’s Lucia de Lammermor.

It was a terrific production and we had given Síle’s parents the tickets as a Christmas present along with a CD of the opera so we were all word perfect on the night.
A couple of years later we were back in Orange and about to see The Magic Flute when Síle rang her father to tell him what we were at.
” Ah! ” he said to her “Don’t be grigging me ”

Grigg is a lovely old Anglo- Irish word for teasing.

We got grigged by daughter Caitríona last week.

She sent us a series of pictures of our new grandson Ruadhán giving his first smiles.
This drove us to Ryanair dot com.
There we discovered that we can take a sneaky 48 hour trip back to see the smile for under €75 for the two of us , (all told) from Gerona in a fortnight.
We’re booked.

We’d walk a million miles for one of those smiles.


  1. isabel

    on February 20, 2011


  2. Petra

    on February 23, 2011

    Ummm… in a fortnight – isn’t that when we’re supposed to stay wid yis??

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef