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Lost in Translation Seventy

June 14, 2011
14:24 PM

I was buying apricots in the supermarket this morning when I became aware of a very pecular conversation happening behind me.
As soon as I decently could I managed to get a look at the couple who were talking , she was blondly English, he was darkly French , they were about my age or younger.
Aware that I might have just heard a momentary aberration I stalked them through the olive oils and the cheese sections and indeed my first impression was correct.
They spoke together amicably, fluently and idiomatically, he always using French, she always using English.
I know quite a few mixed language couples and have never heard any of them using this particular method of conversing before.


  1. martine

    on June 14, 2011

    I did that many years with a American friend here in Barcelona. Her French was totally “passiv, as my English is most of the time, and we did get along very well with this “method”. I suggest we do the same when we finally meet, ok?

  2. martin

    on June 14, 2011


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef