I saw one of these in vide grenier a couple of years ago but when I went back to get it some cute hoor had gotten in ahead of me.
Yesterday in Lunas (Possibly the best vide grenier I have been at to date) I saw one for sale. M. wanted €30 for it , steep enough but he could see I really wanted it- he wouldn’t accept €20 so we finally compromised at €25.
By that stage a small crowd had gathered to see the outcome and as M. wrapped up the article a woman asked me “Was it something from a hospital ?”
It is , of course, a really efficient wine cooler.
You fill the glass marsupial pouch with ice and chill the wine so without diluting it.
We tried it last night, it works a treat.
on June 17, 2011Good deal! I saw one of these in that beautiful hillside village that you brought us to when we were over – St Guillam le Desert. The artisan in question was looking for €90 for a small version and €120 for a larger version, as I had the grand sum total of €20 in my pocket I had to let it go but I’m glad now as you’ve got the real deal! I still owe you for the crystal jug I smashed so I’ll be trawling the vide grenier when next we’re over.
on June 17, 2011Does that mean that I owe you 18 trips up three flights of staire carrying a large box of books each time?
I think I’m still the winner !
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