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Clive’s Exhibition

July 26, 2011
07:43 AM



Clive Nunn , our old friend and the designer and ( for the most part ) maker of our beautiful Presbytere is having an exhibition of his life in furniture as part of Kilkenny Arts Week this August.

Clive has moved through so many fascinating life changes , from dealing in antiques, to restoring and being a champion of Irish vernacular furniture, to designing and making his own beautiful furniture to designing (in my case ) first restaurants and then whole houses .

This exhibition is one well worth travelling to.

It will be in the Grennan Mill Craft School in Thomastown from Friday August 5th until Sunday 14th from 10.00 to 6.00 daily.

Do not miss it.


  1. Clive

    on July 26, 2011

    Thank you so much Mart.
    After all these complements – it had better be good! – I’ll re-double my efforts as of now..

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef