Our neighbour M. Sanquery , has bought over the Cave Cooperative of the village which has been shut down since we first saw the place, it had apparently gone bust a few months before.
Now as our neighbour he had provided us with one of the great talking points of everyone who stood for the first time on our terrace.
Here is the original story from Easter of 2006 as blogged in September in 2008 :

And this is the Castor Oil Plant.
(a small explanation is necessary)
My sister D was staying with us the first easter we were here when Síle spotted a large castor oil plant growing up the wall in front of the winery which is just in front of the house.
Aha! says Sile looking at the plant. “That’s a castor oil plant”
“Is it” says sister D, looking at the winery “I thought it was a wine making place”
Since then M. le Vinticulteur’s wine making area has been known as “The Castor Oil Plant”
It has always been without much activity but in September, we have discovered the place becomes a hive of activity.
A virtual cabaret in front of our eyes from our terrace.
Colm and I are having constant disagreements at what the machine, which seem very sophisticated, is actually doing.
The trouble was that the tree our Chinaberry tree, has grown enormously with the rains of June and our garden watering so its branches are virtually obscuring our daily show.
Yesterday Colm mended this by going up the tree with a ladder and saw and creating a proscinium arch for daily entertainments.
But back to the present.
M. Sanquery is of course moving his extremely valuable piece of equipment down to his new home in the Cave so last week , with a huge crane it went :
Up Up

and Away.

Will I miss it ?
Not for it’s beauty , nor its constant churning during the month of September, all day, every day.
I will miss being able to tell the Castor Oil Plant joke .
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