You may well be wondering how Pierrot and Columbine, our two Collared Doves are getting on.
Well since I wrote about them first on June 18th (cf, for some reason my blog doesn’t like to link to itself) they haven’t missed a night on the tree. The first four or five weeks were fraught with much hanky panky- to the astonishment of some of our guests- and we would have to spend time in the garden every day gathering dove gray feathers discarded in the height of passion.
Now they have settled into a pattern of quiet domesticity and the most active signs of affection are the mutual groomings and scratching.

We feel that they do like our company and one or other of them checks that we are on the terrace every so often.

But otherwise they just sit there companionably, puffed up against the night chills, until morning.
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