When we were in Provence last week we went to see the Ochre Mines in Roussillon, these are still mined for the pigment as they have been for hundreds of years.
My chief intererest in the place, I confess, is that it was in Roussillon Village that Samuel Beckett stayed for most of duration the war, and it is said that he was influenced by their stark beauty to use a similar background for “Waiting for Godot”.
The scenery was I am sure right up there with most of the settings of the play that I have seen , but, not much fun on a scorching September afternoon.
It was dry, very dry, dusty and arid , I noticed that there were several cafes on the return trip that surprisingly offered beer en pression .
I , and many of the promenedeurs, partook.
The moment which made my day was reading the translated leaflet which went with the promenade ” Le Colerado (for that was what they called it) is controlled by the “Friends of the Colerado ” who “worry about its upkeep.”
on September 28, 2011Perhaps the Friends of the Colerado would feel at home in China where a friend of mine spotted a signpost to the “Terracotta Worriers”!
on September 29, 2011Oh, a most apposite comment Betty !
Terracotta Worriers are exactly how the Colarado Guardians should be described.
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