I have a pepper grinder of which I am particularly fond. I bought it about ten years ago and it works well , providing me with a good coarse grinding of black pepper on demand.
It is also of a reasonable size, so that it does not have to be filled too often , being about 12 inches tall, but yet not of embarrassing Italian Restaurant proportions – which as well as being unwieldly, and shamefully phallic , do seem to have a facility to poke unwary users in the eye.

All pepper grinders however do have a weak point , and it is here at the base.
The plate which holds in the grinder comes under heavy pressure and is usually the point that gives first- resulting in a vomiting forth of peppercorns at an inopportune moment.
And so it came to pass with my pepper grinder.
As I prepared to jettison the whole thing I noticed that on the broken plastic disk there was a name printed; T&G Woodware Ltd .
After a little light Googling I discovered that these were the manufacturers of the whole mill and they had a factory in England and their web page provided me with a phone number.
I stated my case to the charming girl who answered the phone.
“That will be no trouble at all ” she said ” I’ll just slip a replacement in an envelope for you and you should have it in a few days , there will be no charge”
This is exactly what she did, and this morning the letter arrived.
A couple of flicks of a screwdriver and my grinder is as good as new.
Thank you T&G Woodware , I am impressed.
Terry Cunningham
on November 25, 2011Great story Martin, it renews my faith in mankind. Now, I’m having a bit of a problem with the engine in my Honda Civic. Do you think if I dropped them a line, …?
on November 30, 2011Why not, they can only refuse.(But bone up on your martial arts)
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