The Christmas Tree (snitched from the nearest wood) in Wicklow

The Christmas Ninjas reheat the Marques et Sparques feast for Christmas Eve

Ronaynes all

The Spanish Orphans , Kelleher-Lynches

Flic, the new adopted Granddaughter visits Dunmore East

St Moling guards two of his booted daughters

A selection of Dwyer kin in Blackrock in Cork

Some more Dwyers (including two week old Naoimi in the arms of her Great Uncle)

Ruadhán walks

Fionn cycles
on January 19, 2012martin, great photos! especially the 5th one!
Peter Dwyer
on January 22, 2012can’t believe i was cut out of that photo. My 2 week old daughter makes it alright… We live in harsh times! Some day I’ll make the blog… MUST. TRY. HARDER.
on January 24, 2012I cannot imagine what you are complaining about Peter , you got 25% of your face in , thats very good.
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