About a fortnight ago I finally got connected to my new computer (the last one had developed senility and was so slow we often thought it had died).
This one has Windows 7 which I am having a hard time adjusting to, but, slowly, I progress.
In the last few days I think I have cracked how to put pictures on to my blog (which has been a very wordy one of late)
Also in the last few weeks constant readers will be aware of certain medical procedures which have occured.
At my last visit to Le Cardiologue, I said “Are there any life style changes you feel I should make ?”
“Well” he said “You should lose weight ” and he accompanied this with a moue of the lips and a raising of the shoulders and a half stretching out of the arms with the palms facing me. This translated as ; “this you must do, but it must come from yourself, there is no point in me nannying you.” (there is much more than language in French communication).
Then he also said in plain words- “Try to walk for a half hour every day”
So I am, and as it is beautiful spring weather I brought the camera along.
For the first time on Tuesday we went East along the flooded gravel pits by the river Orb.
There we found these strange islands, each with a building on top.
Our guess is that they weren’t allowed destroy the houses when they dug for gravel.
Yesterday we took a new path along the Pech across the valley from the village, there we saw Le Presbytere from a new angle.
This is it even closer (its the one with the leafless tree in the garden, and you can just glimpse my red umbrella on the terrace)
This picture also shows quite clearly how the old village walls actually cut through the middle of our house.
And this is the real sign of spring here , everywhere there is copious quantities of almond blossom.
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