Síle’s choir are involved in a most fascinating project at the moment.
Antoine, the son of their sometime conductor Flavien Miannay, has put
The Declaration of Human Rights to music and arranged this for choir and orchestra.
They are putting this on in four different venues in Languedoc between now and the end of June.

Concert Human Rights à Port la Nouvelle
Le 05/05/2012 de 20h30 à 22 h 00
Théâtre de Port-la-Nouvelle
Concert Human Rights au Chateau Abbaye de Cassan
Le 06/05/2012 de 16h30 à 18 h 00
Château Abbaye de Cassan
Concert Human Rights à Béziers
Le 12/05/2012 de 20h00 à 22 h 00
Théatre des Franciscains à Béziers
Concert Human Rights à Bédarieux
Le 23/06/2012 de 21h00 á 22h30
Salle de la Tuilerie
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