The sun back lights our grapes on the terrace this morning, they are only a by-product of our attempt to vine -cover our terrace and by the way the sparrows are devouring these there won’t be much left to eat anyway.
But the vine also progresses, some more years to go maybe……
Greg Scanlon
on August 31, 2012Hi Martin, only home in the last week ourselves and just now catching up on developments. Firstly congrats on the book news. It’s well deserved and bon courage for the re-writes.
When I came across this particular entry I just thought I would pass along our neighbour’s surprise at us doing the same thing, of training the vine over the terrace. While it looks exotic and provides lovely shade, it also, (depending on weather/season/ripeness) attracts wasps. He was right. Its not a huge problem but on certain days, makes eating outside a little lively. This year, as you mentioned, because of the heat, everything has ripened early, so the dive-bombing of hungry birds was added to the excitement. I now possess quite a collection of red polka-dotted shirts. Quite fetching really.
on August 31, 2012Not too bad on the wasps but yes, especially since the red grapes ripened, the birdies are colouring the washing.
Too bad you are missing the autumn, looks promising.
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