An unusual visitor today, knackered on his long migratory flight this stork stopped off to rest on the church tower. Fifteen minutes later he was off- presumably south for the winter.
Just looked him up, he is a white stork and on his way to sub Saharan Africa for the winter. Because they ride the thermals rather than flap in flight they prefer to fly over land. This fellow was on his way therefore to cross Spain north to south before crossing the med at the straits of Gibralter. Bon Voyage M. Cigone.
on August 28, 2012That poor cockerel got the fright of his long life up there. Nice visitor, they are coming to you from all places and races.Well deserved plaudits.
Your walkers – some walkers and their stravayger (sp?) are planning a 3rd visit, so we obviously share the enthusiasm. Heh, snooty, your French is much better than effort level though.
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