It all started when our neighbour Josf presented us with two boxes of tomatoes from his allotment and a huge marrow. Then co-incidentially we realised that we needed to defrost the freezer and lurking in its nether regions I found about 10 lbs of Seville Oranges.
The gun was to my head, it was preserve or let it rot.
For the last 48 hours I have been simmering over a hot stove and about 10 minutes ago I finally finished.
The picture shows ;- 22lbs Green Tomato and Marrow Chutney, 10 lbs Tomato and Basil Jelly, 3lbs Persimmon Jam (the pulp of which turned up in the freezer, a gift from another neighbour) 3 lbs Black Muscat Jelly (they are just in season now) 3 lbs Greengage (ditto) and 24 lbs of Seville Orange Marmalade, half of which I will keep and half I will barter with another neighbour for frozen Raspberries from her orchard in Normandy.
(Out of which I will make yet more jam)
on August 30, 2012save me some persimmon!
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