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The Eagull

December 26, 2012
16:17 PM

The Eagull.jpg

This was my Christmas present this year.
A stunning photograph by my friend Jedrzej Niezgoda, who has a photo blog called Veni Vidi which is linked to my site. He takes the most beautiful photographs and this is the first one I have purchased (so far). While we were working out how he would send the print to me- which arrived in perfect condition by post- his name for the picture; The Seagull, somehow lost its initial S and so, as this became a play on words, we continued to refer to it as such.
Daughter D, an ace framer, is with us at the moment and while she is here I plan to get her to frame it. I have a spot in the living room which will be perfect. Then I plan to photo the picture in situ to show Jedrzej (whom I have never met) that : The Eagull has Landed


  1. Martin

    on December 28, 2012

    The Sea Gull and the Ea-gull
    A sea gull met an ea-gull
    In an eag-loo way up North,
    The sea gull eyed the ea-gull,
    And the following words came forth:
    I’m a sea gull, you’re an ea-gull,
    You are re-gull, like a king,
    You are royal, like Standard Oy-al,
    So how about a fling?
    Said the sea gull to the ea-gull
    It’s illea-gull, but sublime,
    I’m a she-gull without a he-gull,
    So why are we wasting time?
    Said the sea gull to the ea-gull,
    I invei-gull like a dream,
    I am not a squeamish sea gull,
    I guarantee not to squeam!
    If the wee gull turns out half ea-gull,
    Don’t imagine that I will fret,
    Once I had one by a bea-gull,
    And I haven’t stopped laughing yet.
    Said the ea-gull to the sea gull
    As he doffed his royal crown,
    You’re a bad bird, you’re a bad, bad bird,
    But you’re the only bird in town!
    Frederic Ogden Nash (August 19, 1902 – May 19, 1971)

  2. jedrzej

    on February 7, 2013

    So nice of you Martin, it made me smile a lot.
    I would be vary happy if we actually changed the ‘whom I have never met’ part one day.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef