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March 6, 2013
11:23 AM

rain 001 (640x480).jpg

It is raining chattes et chiens here and has been since Monday- just when two charming American visitors, Eric and Georgette arrived.
It is due to stop tomorrow just as they leave.
I can’t believe the amount of rain , the local weather forecast tells us that the amount which has fallen in the last three days normally takes three months.
It is wonderful for the garden but not much fun for our visitors.


  1. noirin butler

    on March 6, 2013

    congratulations to Sile and you on your appearance on Nationwide. Your gite looked very attractive and the food looked scrumptious. Well done.

  2. Martin

    on March 7, 2013

    Thanks Noirín- and the rain stopped as the show went out. Amazing power of the media.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef