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Lost in Translation One Hundred

February 28, 2014
21:05 PM

Because this is a significant number and it seems to be ( for the blog) a significant time, I am going to rehash my favourite LIT moment.

I was working in a hotel in Barlycove in West Cork (there is only one) in about 1967 and I was the waiter in the dining room in charge of taking the orders.

As I approached one couple one night I found them in helpless giggles.
We had, that day, got a new girl in reception- where they typed up the daily menu- and she had made two unfortunate errors.

The vegetable selection should have included Buttered Peas and the desserts Lemon Meringue Pies.

Unfortunately our rookie typist had offered on the menu ” Buggered Peas” as the veg and “Lemon Meringue Piss” as the dessert.

It took me quite some time to get them serious enough to order.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef