We bought a few years ago in Ikea the -uninspiring but practical- reading lamp pictured here in Ikea’s pub shot. Unfortunately the shade got broken and we discovered that Ikea didn’t do replacements. That would have been it for me and I would have happily binned it- but not my wife Síle- who is a paid up member of the Society for Makers and Menders. She decided to keep a watchful eye out in Vide Greniers for a substitute. Yesterday she found the shade in the second picture and bought it for a shocking Euro. A good eye produced a silk purse I think!

beth and brian
on March 18, 2014Belated bon anniversaire, Martin. Just back from two weeks en Bretagne sans email. Not as warm as the south, but lovely just the same. Best wishes to Sile and yourself, B n B
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