I was 65 on Thursday, It used to be that I would now be a pensioner but the Irish government is running backwards away from my age so fast that it seems unlikely I’ll ever catch them. No matter, I have absolutely no notion of stopping working (why would I ? It is such fun). I had a brilliant birthday.
My dear wife indulged me totally and I spent time in a brocante, had a picnic lunch in blazing sunshine on the beach at Valras Plage. Bought two whopping Black Sole in Agde which I cooked on the bone A La Meuniere last night and ate with a bottle of excellent Pouilly Fuissé. I got the most amazing greetings by card, mobile,iphone and email. Talked to my daughters and facetimed my grandsons. Even google decorated my search page with birthday cakes ! (I know really that they do that for everyone) FaceBook was a joy all day and thanks to everyone who sent greetings and for all the kind messages you included.There are more celebrations to come though, I do love birthdays, no wonder the Irish government thinks I am still a child!
And then the birthday celebrations continued.
Very few people who know me will be unaware of my passion for collecting French Glass, so Madame Dwyer, as part of the birthday celebrations, decided to whisk me across to the Rhone to the village of Villeneuve les Avignon where, we had discovered, there was an excellent Brocante market on Saturday morning.
So we headed East towards Provence and took in the magnificent Pont de Gard on the way,

found our pleasant hotel in Villeneuve and had our dinner out in Le Bristro de Moulin.
The market in the morning was a beauty.

Part of Madame’s indulgent present was that I was granted, from the communal fund, a Euro for each of my years to spend as I would, no discussion needed.Before long I had of course spotted glasses to the value of €80, now you all know I am not quite that old yet but it is amazing what budgetary limitatations will do to one’s bargaining skills so I managed to get all the glasses I desired and I still have €5 left.

We headed back at our leisure, took in the market in Uzes, which was very cosmopolitan and expensive, but I managed to find some Chervil plants for €4. So back at home on Saturday night and the Irish Rugby team kindly joined the celebrations by providing a powerful victory.
So the birthday continues- and the shrewd mathematicians among you will realise that I still have one Euro left to spend !
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