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The Poor Beggar Woman

April 22, 2014
08:06 AM

Really lovely couple staying with us last week told this story over dinner. They are strolling through a local town, Monsieur ahead, Madame behind, when Madame takes pity on a poor beggar woman, coughing wretchedly, begging bowl in hand, head wrapped in rags wearing an old plastic mac at the side of the road. Madame stops, her heart full of pity, fishes in her bag and drops a few Euro into the bowl. To her surprise the beggar doesn’t thank her but responds with an indignant remark in French. However Madame strolls on to her awaiting husband. “What” said Monsieur “Did you think you were doing ?” ” Ah !” said Madame, ” I just gave that poor beggar woman woman a few Euros” to her amazement her husband proceeded to roar with laughter. He then told her why (and Madame blushed deeply with shame as she explained) The “beggar” was a client at a hairdressing salon having a fag while her hair dried, the rags were towels on her head, the plastic mac was an overall and the begging bowl was an ashtray into which she was now, still coughing badly, stubbing out a cigarette.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef