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May 9, 2014
06:18 AM

Last time we went to Villandry we decided just to visit the gardens, but recently I have read Monty Don’s chapter on the gardens in which he explains that the whole point of the gardens here was the overview from the house. He is right. The house is lovely, particularly loved the pink panelled dining room, but it is the glimpses one gets from the house and then the aspect from the parterre that are breathtaking.

Vill3 (600x800).jpg

Vill4 (600x800).jpg

Vill5 (800x600).jpg


  1. Ted Dwyer

    on May 9, 2014

    As you know I would not be a gardener but when we took the car through France a few years ago on our way to visit you and Sile, Mary and I made a visit to Villandry and still remember the views of the garden from the house. really stunning.
    thanks for the photos and memories

  2. Ann Marie O'Sullivan

    on May 9, 2014

    amazing gardens, i bet up close there’s a sneaky weed or two!

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef