Further Saga of the Elbow.
Basically I am still awaiting my scan so am busy shrugging along with the French medical profession. My Surgeon instructed us to tie it up- ‘with what’ asked Síle.’Une Echarpe’ (A scarf) he told her. That was last Monday and since I kept it tied up in an Indian scarf of Sile’s it has stayed in position. Until last night that was. We had a busy one, I had a dinner for 10 on the terrace so I obviously over used the joint- resulting in two nasty disjointings, one on my way to bed and the other happening when I was actually asleep.
This morning I realised the scarf was no longer adequate to keep the elbow docile so we decided to ignore the doctor’s advice and get a proper, state of the art, 24 strap French Sling. Down in the chemists we discover that (a) the sling is free (b) the French word for a sling is-also- Une Echarpe- this was what I should have had on all the time. Now, I am happy to say, I really do look like I am suffering!
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