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Macbeth on our Terrace

September 30, 2014
23:04 PM

The bard had some nice things to say about places where Martins thrive- as they do on and about our terrace- or did since the last of them have now headed off to Africa on their Winter break.

Pleasant to think that ;

“the heaven’s breath
smells wooingly here.”

This castle hath a pleasant seat. The air
Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
Unto our gentle senses.

This guest of summer,
The temple-haunting martlet, does approve,
By his loved mansionry, that the heaven’s breath
Smells wooingly here. No jutty, frieze,
Buttress, nor coign of vantage, but this bird
Hath made his pendant bed and procreant cradle.
Where they most breed and haunt, I have observed,
The air is delicate.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef