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Botic Restaurant in Spain

November 1, 2014
08:48 AM

A three star meal we all felt in a restaurant with only one star, it is not only in Ireland that Michelin cannot get it right.

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Pat and John Spain 2014 019 (640x480).jpg

One of the “snacks” the leaves were intense chestnut, the mushrooms bombs of cep flavours and the little corn brandy snaps were stuffed with a mousse of Foie Gras

Pat and John Spain 2014 033 (640x480).jpg

Probably the most delicious and perfectly cooked Pigeon.

Pat and John Spain 2014 003 (640x480).jpg

Ourselves, our friends Pat and John Stewart and the man himself who is Albert Sastregener i Sarroca, but better known as Ti


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef