This pair aren’t a pair at all, The jug is Czech and Síle found it on a stall on the way to Limoux from Carcassonne.The cup and saucer is French and came from a Vide Genier on the opposite end of the Languedoc.

This amazingly elegant wooden bowl was made by Irishman Roger Bennet and was a present from Clive Nunn

Síle found this in the Trocante in Beziers where, for once, they had not spotted its potential. It is in fact an English marmalade Pot and about 200 years old (she paid a fiver for it)

Just after we had bought Le Presbytere I spotted this at an antique fair,(It is an old cruet, used in the Catholic Mass) when I asked the man how much he said a tenner, fine-I said- I must have it because I have just bought a Presbetery. Well then- he said- lets make it a fiver.

There was an old larder in one corner of what is now our livingroom with a meshed in aperture on the wall to keep it cool. We took down the larder but kept the cool box which we glazed on the inside. It now seems to have become a home for glass oddments.

Clive and I spotted these tiles in a Brocante in Beziers which Clive put up at the back of my sink. All are hand painted, none the same but related.

These old teapots, gathered in various junk shops are also related but not too closely.

Can’t resist to put up another shot of my Chandelier of Funnels and also my wonderful glass lampshade spotted by Clive in a fair in Pezenas.

Love this painting which I got for an embarrassing little sum in a Girl Guide Bazzar in Annecy.

This is the original hinge of our cloakroom door, dont make ’em like this anymore.

This was the poster for the Feria in Beziers the first summer we were here. It is based on a photo by Canu who was from the town and is of Manolete
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