This was a shot taken at a Christmas Party in St. Annes Hydro in Blarney in 1930 which Síle spotted in an old Cork Photos page. It was she who spotted my mother, looking very young indeed. She would have been just 19 and therefore allowed out in society- there were strict rules then- and she would have had to wait until she was 18 to put her hair up. She is just at the end of the arch on the right hand side. Anyone who knows us will recognise her from my daughter Deirdre.
Her great lifelong friend, Micky O Keeffe is at the same position at the left of the picture. She went on to marry Vincent O Donoghue and was the mother of Frank and Redmond, both prominent business men in Waterford.
My cousin Margot has recognised her Dad, Declan Dwyer in the middle with a groken front tooth, and she remembers his story of how he broke it falling off a wall. He would have been about sixteen but, being male would have been allowed out in society earlier.
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