It is a funny old thing how the past can sometimes creep up behind you and catch you unawares.
In about ’64, when I was 15, a group of my friends, masterminded by one Michael Healy, and inspired by Radio Caroline set up, for a week or so, and from the back of a Honda 50, Cork’s first Pirate Radio Station called Radio Juliet. While I was not involved directly I was hugely supportive (they borrowed most of my 45’s to play).
I was, as it turned out very much more involved with Michael’s second Piratical adventure “Saor Radio Chonnemara” of which more can be discovered here
Because I was the one who has written about this ,a couple of years ago a young UCG student, who was doing a thesis on Irish Language Radio, contacted me, and interviewed me extensively on this.
Now apparently a book about pirate radio in Cork has been written ” The Jolly Roger” and I may,it seems, have been mentioned in this. At any rate I have just been approached by another student, this time writing about Radio Juliet, in this case I was able to field her on to the genius himself : My old friend Michael, still alive and well and living in Spain (and still a friend after 50 years- a subject surely worthy of a thesis on its own. )
It would have been, I imagine, a most unbelievable thought in those careless days of the 60’s to have imagined that our exploits would be worthy of theses a few decades later !
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