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Progress on Progress

July 26, 2016
08:37 AM

This is a copy of a blog I put up eight years ago when the presbytere was still very much a work in progress.
Here I contrast these shots with up to date ones, taken from more or less the same angle.

Even though the place still looks extremely rough, and rather better in the flesh than in the shots, I accept that, if only to compare with the finished product, these should be published.

aft1 (333x500).jpg

This is one I am rather proud of, a door which was never there before. We found in the attic and , despite his protests we persuaded the builder to install it.
It now looks as if it was there for ever.

Aft3 (500x333).jpg

This is a long shot of the Kitchen /living /diningroom.
The plumber has erected a tempory sink at the end for us for the summer as the kitchen proper won’t be installed until October.
Very much a work in progress this.

aft2 (500x333).jpg

This bedroom, which, for obvious reasons we call the fireplace room, at Clive’s insistance and again despite the builders objections, we cleared the false walls at both sides so that the fireplace again stands proud.
It makes a great difference.


Just to give you an idea of how filthy and unfinished the house is we were there on Saturday at lunchtime and picniced in the garden rather than anywhere in the house


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef