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Murmurating Starlings

January 6, 2018
07:48 AM

I’ve just been Murmurated.

I was standing on the terrace this morning, not particularly admiring the dull weather when a swarm of starlings flew in wonderful cloud formation between me and the Pech, the little hill across the valley from our house, and then disappeared to the east. While I was still marvelling at their incredible flying ability I was engulfed with a breathless whoosh of air as they flew over the house from the north and skimmed the terrace flying south. I ducked in momentary terror as they seemed to flow like a wave just over my head but of course I had nothing to fear, their formation work was, as ever impeccable and within nano seconds they had flowed over the Pech and off to the south.
Awesome display.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef