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In a Small Pond

November 15, 2006
08:56 AM

I have discovered that having my photo next to my recipes in the local, free, paper can have its advantages.
I was renewing my passport last week and had to go to the Garda station with all my bits to get my photos signed.
While I was waiting I noticed a copy of Waterford Today on the counter in the barracks.
The Guard on duty took my stuff, and said”Are you a local man? Have you any proof of identity ?”
I opened the paper at the relevant page and said;”Will that do”
The Guard grinned at me and said it was a great likeness.
Small bits of local recognition can have their advantages.


  1. John Breslin

    on November 15, 2006

    Haha – nice one! You should keep that paper in your pocket…

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef