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St Roch de Thezan

March 7, 2007
15:14 PM

The night of last Saturday week was the first night I slept in the Presbetery in Thezan.
On all previous attempts we have found it impossible to get into the church.
It has remained firmly locked, even on a Sunday morning.
To my great joy I heard a great carillon of bells on the Sunday morning after my first night and, looking out the window I saw the church doors open.
I ran up to it immediately.
I was greeted by a lady who apoligised profusely but said their would be no mass today, instead they were having a prayer meeting.
Once I explained that I was the Irishman who had bought the presbytery I was welcomed warmly and had no trouble getting permission to borrow the keys later to take some photos of the church.

My little cup overflowed when by the door I found a statue of the old exhibitionist and dog himself; St Roch.
There he was coyly lifting his skirts enticingly just yards from my new house.

The best omen yet.

St Roch de Thezan


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef