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Donnadieu’s Wine

September 19, 2007
16:27 PM

On the way up to the Monts d’Espinousse from Thezan we pass the village of Vieussan.
Just close to the village is Jean Donnadieu’s vinyard.
Madame Donnadieu always keeps a little table on the road by their house where she not only sells her husband’s wine but also various conserves and jams which she makes herself.
She makes a very good Pate de Coing (Quince Paste) and a delicate Violet Jam as well as some more run of the mill Apricot and Plum varieties. (She also makes some jam from the Arbutus Tree which grows wild in the hills here).
We took to stopping to replenish our stocks as we passed her.

Behind Madame’s table there is an old wine cask built into the wall and on that someone has daubed an advertising slogan;

Pour être heureux,
Pour vivre vieux,
Buvez du vin
De Jean Donnedieu.

This I have translated as;

To live a life, long happy and fine
Always drink
Jean Donnedieu’s wine.

You could do worse!


  1. Eileen

    on September 19, 2007

    A most eloquent translation. I like it indeed.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef