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Eau de Naphre

April 9, 2008
11:21 AM

When I wrote a few days ago about making a liqueur flavoured with Bigarade or Seville orange I said that I had an idea that I had heard of this being done before.
I was I think wrong, I think the Bigarade is used to flavour Cointreau and also, because it is wonderful aromatic properties, it is used in the perfume industry.
However Google, as I scrolled down through the references, had a delightful little bit of (yet more!) serendipity for me.

This came from a book called
A Cyclopaedia of Six Thousand Practical Recipes
By Arnold James Coley
Which was printed in 1854 (neither today nor yesterday)
In this tome I was directed to a reference to the following:

Eau de Naphre (Aqua Naphae)
Double distilled orange flower water

This article made from the leaves of the
Bigarade tree is distilled in Languedoc…….

It looks like I may have a little research on my hands
(and maybe I have just found the house digestif for
Le Presbytere)


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef