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April 27, 2009
18:50 PM


Spotted by Clive in a Brocante, then given to Le Presbytere, this piece of Victorian French Jardinage has become the new home for my embryonic Herb Garden .


  1. p

    on April 28, 2009

    Victorian France?

  2. Eugene

    on April 28, 2009

    Well spotted p!
    What about embryonic herbs?

  3. Martin

    on April 28, 2009

    The time was victorian, the place France.
    The garden rather than the herbs is embryonic.
    Everyone clear now?

  4. p

    on April 28, 2009

    Victorian times – for Brits. Some in Ireland did aspire to that but certainly not in France. P

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef