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October 13, 2009
09:41 AM

Got a mail purporting to be from the Irish Tax Office today (all logos etc correct) telling me that I was entitled to a rebate of a plausible sum of €340.
All I had to do to recieve this was to write back to them giving my bank acc details and all passwords etc.

It was heartening to see that the return address was irishtax@orange.fr.
Decentralisation has finally taken its logical course and the tax office has decided to join us here in France.
I am delighted to see that the fortune I paid them in taxes over the years has finally been put to good use.


  1. martine

    on October 14, 2009

    Hope you are joking Martin… It is clearly a phishing attack!

  2. Martin

    on October 14, 2009

    The irony was intended!I had guessed it was someone gone phishing. First time I was phished by someone pretenting to be the government though, they are getting even more daring.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef