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One Hundred Years Later

October 13, 2009
15:25 PM

We found this postcard on a stall in the Brocante in Pezenas
last week. It was easily recognisable as the Place d’Horloge
just around the corner from our house (even though it was
then called Place Pierre Cabanes according to the card)

Just an hour ago Síle and I went around the corner and took
another shot from the same spot.

Not a lot has changed has it?


  1. Peter Denman

    on October 14, 2009

    Lovely – but you should have taken it not an hour previously, but seven hours and 34 minutes beforehand. . . . . Respectez l’horloge! Peter the Pedant

  2. Martin

    on October 14, 2009

    The same horloge will punish your pedantry at exactly 7.am next Saturday morning.Just you wait.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef