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The New Phone Book

November 25, 2009
01:02 AM

The new phone book for Herault arrived in this afternoon.

The first thing I had to do was to check were we in it.

French Phone Book1.jpg

Sure enough there, the very last entry of the D’s and just two places under the Maire himself was mé féin.

French Phone Book2.jpg

It seems that we have arrived in France


  1. martine

    on November 25, 2009

    Just wonder how people pronounce your name there?

  2. Martin

    on November 26, 2009

    According to family history an earlier generation of Dwyers, then known as O Duibhir left for France and founded the family Haudoire (exactly the same pronunciation).
    This time round the neighbours side-step the impossibility of Dwyer by calling me M. Martin. A cop out.

  3. padraic

    on November 26, 2009

    Est-ce-que on ne met pas les accents dans les annuaires?

  4. Martin

    on November 26, 2009

    Oui Padraic,
    L’annuaire (comme toi meme) est sans accent.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef