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It might as well be summer

March 26, 2010
17:34 PM

Having had to date (our neighbours have assured us ) a most inclement spring, suddenly today it is summer .
The temperature rose to 21 C on the terrace this afternoon, I am way too overdressed in corduroy trousers, all the plants in the garden have started to bloom in fright and it appears that summer has come.
Boy is it welcome and long may it last.

Anyone who might be keep to have a sneak preview of the website for the
Chambre d’Hote check out on; www.lepresbytere.net where the daughter has done the first draft of the same.
I think it looks fairly beautiful myself but she thinks it needs some tweaking.
(I know the French translation is not done yet)


  1. martine

    on March 27, 2010

    Very nice and ‘sober’ web. I like it. If you have no candidate for the french translation (and are not in a hurry), I offer my help.

  2. Eileen

    on March 27, 2010

    I love the website dad, well done cd.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef